
Using C/C++ code in Python

In my last post, I introduced Cython as a tool to speed up your python code by generating a native module. That’s great if you have your solution already prototyped in pure python, but sometimes you may want to take advantage of a pre-existing library that solves your problem. If that library is written in C or C++, it’s pretty easy to construct a wrapper for the functionality you are interested in and access it from your python code.

It turns out that this is such a common task, there are several ways to accomplish this.

In this post, I’ll only examine two technologies to do this wrapping: Boost-Python and our old friend Cython.

Our Case Study:

We’ll wrap a small C++ implementation of the DES3 encryption algorithm found at the following github repository: using Boost-Python and using Cython.

NOTE: I in no way endorse or validate the faithfulness of the implementation in the repository. I chose it more or less at random and the only metric I used to select it was the simplicity of the API. Please do not use this to encrypt any information you care about without investigating the validity of the implementation!

This implementation of DES3 provides a class FileEncryption with the following API:

class FileEncryption
    FileEncryption(ui64 key);
    int encrypt(string input, string output);
    int decrypt(string input, string output);
    int cipher (string input, string output, bool mode);

The constructor takes a hexidecimal key (ui64 is typedefed to uint64_t). The member methods encrypt and decrypt are implemented by calling cipher. In our wrapper, we will only expose encrypt and decrypt. They each take a filename input and output. Since input is a keyword in Python, we’ll want to change the parameter names.

The goal is to create a native module that allows code like:

In [1]: from DES3 import FileEncryption

In [2]: f = FileEncryption(0xfeadface)

In [3]: f.encrypt(
   ...:     input_filename='input.txt',
   ...:     output_filename='cyphertext')
Out[3]: 0

In [4]: g = FileEncryption(0xfeadface)

In [5]: g.decrypt(
   ...:     input_filename='cyphertext',
   ...:     output_filename='output.txt')
Out[5]: 0

In [6]: with open('input.txt') as input_file:
   ...:     with open('output.txt') as output_file:
   ...:         input_text = input_file.readlines()
   ...:         output_text = output_file.readlines()
   ...:         assert(input_text == output_text)

Note: We make a new instance to decrypt (g) because we need to reset the random number generator.

Let’s start by cloning the repository:

$ git clone

Now let’s make a shared library:

$ cd cppDES/cppDES/
$ rm main.cpp
$ g++ -std=c++11 -fPIC -shared *.cpp -o

Note: I deleted the main.cpp file because Boost-python will complain about multiple definitions of the symbol main.


Boost-Python is a part of the Boost project. If you use C++ and you’ve never encountered Boost, take some time to explore this project. Boost has been a proving ground for modern C++ features. Many new features in the standard library were implemented first in boost– this stack overflow answer does a nice job detailing all the C++11 features that were first boost features.

Boost-Python provides an easy way to generate python bindings for existing C++ code.

The bindings for this library are quite simple:

For ease of presentation, let’s build the Boost-python version at the same directory level as the repo we checked out.

$ cd ../..

Now, in this directory, we make the following files:

// bp_des.cpp

#include <cstdint>
#include <boost/python.hpp>

#include "fileencryption.h"

namespace bp = boost::python;

    bp::class_<FileEncryption>("FileEncryption", bp::init<uint64_t>(

        .def("encrypt", &FileEncryption::encrypt,
            (bp::arg("input"), bp::arg("output")))

        .def("decrypt", &FileEncryption::decrypt,
            (bp::arg("input"), bp::arg("output")))

I used the following CMake file to build this:

# CMakeLists.txt










To build the wrapper:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

This will make a file called This is the native module–lets take it for a spin. First, lets make a plain-text file to encrypt:

$ echo 'Such secrets!' > input.txt

Now, in an ipython session let’s test the encryption:

In [1]: from DES3 import FileEncryption

In [2]: f = FileEncryption(0xfeadface)

In [3]: f.encrypt(
   ...:     input_filename='input.txt',
   ...:     output_filename='cyphertext')
Out[3]: 0

In [4]: g = FileEncryption(0xfeadface)

In [5]: g.decrypt(
   ...:     input_filename='cyphertext',
   ...:     output_filename='output.txt')
Out[5]: 0

In [6]: with open('input.txt') as input_file:
   ...:     with open('output.txt') as output_file:
   ...:         input_text = input_file.readlines()
   ...:         output_text = output_file.readlines()
   ...:         assert(input_text == output_text)

This should run without errors and the assertion should pass.

Now, lets look at the generated files and compare them to our input file:

$ cat input.txt | xxd
00000000: 5375 6368 2073 6563 7265 7473 210a       Such secrets!.

$ cat cyphertext | xxd
00000000: 4912 e0f2 85e9 4302 88f8 17d3 443a dbec  I.....C.....D:..

$ cat output.txt| xxd
00000000: 5375 6368 2073 6563 7265 7473 210a       Such secrets!.

Seems to be working!


For the Cython wrapper, We’ll just add our pyx file and the in the same directory as the C++ files in the DES3 repo:

# distutils: language = c++
# distutils: include_dirs = .
# distutils: library_dirs = .
# distutils: libraries = des

from libc.stdint cimport uint64_t
from libcpp.string cimport string

cdef extern from "fileencryption.h":
    cdef cppclass _FileEncryption "FileEncryption":
        _FileEncryption(uint64_t key) except +
        int encrypt(string input, string output)
        int decrypt(string input, string output)

cdef class FileEncryption:
    cdef _FileEncryption* _this_ptr

    def __cinit__(self, uint64_t key):
        self._this_ptr = new _FileEncryption(key)

    def __dealloc__(self):
        del self._this_ptr

    def encrypt(self, string input_filename, string output_filename):
        self._this_ptr.encrypt(input_filename, output_filename)

    def decrypt(self, string input_filename, string output_filename):
        self._this_ptr.decrypt(input_filename, output_filename)

built with this

from setuptools import setup, Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize

            'DES3',                   # the extension name
                'DES3.pyx',           # our Cython source
            language='c++',           # generate C++ code
        compiler_directives={'embedsignature': True},

This will also generate a file called which we can import in a python session or script. I won’t bother pasting in the iPython session I used to test my results using the Cython version because it is identical.

Parting thoughts

I didn’t go into any detail about the specific syntax or methodology for either approach because you could fill a book going into all the details. Seriously, there are some good books out there on this topic. Check them out. I just finished reading this one.

I’m really just documenting basic wrapping for my future use and to hopefully spark interest in this topic.

That said, there are some very high level take aways I can leave you with. I’ve spent quite a bit of time with both of these technologies and I think that the major benefit of Boost-python is the brevity with which you can wrap a C/C++ library. Boost-python also offers very fine grain control over object lifetime and memory management problems.

Cython on the other hand requires you to both declare the C/C++ interface you want to use in the rest of the Cython code and make an extension class which holds references to the underlying C/C++ objects and also expose an interface which can be accessed by Python code.

I’ve actually come to prefer Cython because I almost always want to modify the interface to the API I’m exposing to make it more ‘Pythonic’. Since Cython is a superset of Python, I can do all that work in Python while also enjoying the performance benefits offered by Cython.

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